Local Delivery

We offer local delivery within a 15-mile radius of Harrogate Flooring, which includes Harrogate, Knaresborough, Boroughbridge, Wetherby, Tadcaster and Otley, and parts of Leeds, York, Bradford, Ilkley and Ripon.

The delivery cost for all addresses in the catchment is £100.

For more details about receiving your flooring delivery, please see the delivery section on our FAQ page.

Nationwide Delivery

If you live outside of Yorkshire, you can still place an order and arrange your own courier collection. Many customers use Shiply as a cost-effective nationwide service.


You can also collect from us if you have access to a large van or trailer. We’re not too far from the A1 for anyone travelling from North Yorkshire, West Yorkshire or South Yorkshire, and we’re approximately an hour’s journey from Huddersfield, Sheffield and Hull. 


All our flooring is made to order so we don’t accept returns but you’re welcome to come and visit Harrogate Flooring before purchase to take a look at our pitch pine and the various width and edging options in person.

Our floorboards are made from reclaimed wood so please expect imperfections, such as nail holes.